Middle East Journal of Rehabilitation and Health

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Delayed Union of Scaphoid Fracture and Effectiveness of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Marcos Edgar Fernandez-Cuadros 1 , 2 , * , Olga Susana Perez-Moro 1 , Maria Jesus Albaladejo-Florin 1 , Carmen Ramos-Gonzalez 2 , Laura Cabrera-Rodriguez 3 and Ruben Algarra-Lopez 1
Authors Information
1 Rehabilitacion y Medicina Fisica, Hospital Universitario Santa Cristina, Madrid, Spain
2 Rehabilitacion y Medicina Fisica, Fundacion Hospital de la Santisima Trinidad, Salamanca, Spain
3 Middlebury College, Vermont, USA
Article information
  • Middle East Journal of Rehabilitation and Health: January 2018, 5 (1); e63850
  • Published Online: January 9, 2018
  • Article Type: Case Report
  • Received: November 13, 2017
  • Accepted: November 28, 2017
  • DOI: 10.5812/mejrh.63850

To Cite: Fernandez-Cuadros M E, Perez-Moro O S, Albaladejo-Florin M J, Ramos-Gonzalez C, Cabrera-Rodriguez L, et al. Delayed Union of Scaphoid Fracture and Effectiveness of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: A Case Report and Review of the Literature, Middle East J Rehabil Health Stud. 2018 ; 5(1):e63850. doi: 10.5812/mejrh.63850.

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1. Introduction
2. Case Presentation
3. Discussion
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