- If you do not have an account yet, please proceed as follows.
- Please click the Create an account button.

- At this step, please enter a (an) valid (active) email address. The structure of the email must contain (@) symbol. Then, click on Check button.

- If you have not an account with this email address, you can see the following image (Create an account).
Enter your email and password. Also, re-enter your password for confirmation.
To continue, please enter the text/number that you see in the CAPTCHA box. For example, 158 is shown below, then, click the Register button.

- If you see the image as below, it means that your password is inconsistent with its confirmation (Please enter the same password in the password boxes).

- After password confirmation, please review the form and click the Register button.
- After registration, you can see the next page. If you receive the message as below, it means that your registration is successful. Now, you can log in to your email and activate your account. The email subject is Account Activation including a link for activation.

- Now, you can click the Already Registered? Sign in to continue.