Middle East Journal of Rehabilitation and Health

Published by: Kowsar

    Flags for Reviewer

    Flag Sign

    Flag Name





    The article has the "Fast Track Fee" service.

    After applying FTF service for an article.

    The reviewers must review this article within the defined due date.

    Similarity (20 - 40%)

    Manuscript has 20 - 40% Similarity

    In Screening

    This manuscript has 20 - 40% similarity rate

    Similarity (More than 40%)

    The manuscript has more than 40% Similarity

    In Screening

    This manuscript has more than 40% similarity rate.

    Repeated Submission

    The manuscript is Repeated Submission.

    In Screening

    This manuscript is "Repeated Submission".

    Back Issue

    These articles are already published.

    In Submission

    These articles already are published.

    100% Discount

    The article is Free Article.

    After Primary Acceptance

    This flag is used for articles that the accounting defined them as free.

    On Hold The manuscript is on hold state. In publishing process This flag is used for the manuscript which is on hold state.
    Withdraw Request  The manuscript is requested to be withdrawn. In any process This flag is used for the manuscripts for which someone has submitted a withdraw request.
    Cancel Withdraw The manuscript is once requested to be withdrawn and request is cancelled. In any process This flag is used for the manuscript which their withdraw request is cancelled.