Log in Mail Service
- To use the journal mail service, login to the Mail Service at: http://neoscriber.com/webmail in your browser or click the "Check Mail" button in the "About" menu (the top menu).
- If your browser is Mozilla Firefox, you can see a page as below. Please click the I Understand the Risks button. Click the Add Exception button.

- In the new windows, please click the Confirm Security Exception button. (Go to the step 6)
- If your browser is Google Chrome, you see a page as below. Click, Advanced.
- Now, please click the Proceed to neoscriber.com (unsafe).

- Now, you can see the Email Login page, as below. Please type your email and password, then click the Log in button.

- Now you can see your email panel, as below. If you want to send an email, please click the New Message button.

- In image as below, you can see your email panel. If you want to send e mail, please click on New Message button.

- Like other mail panels, you can type To, CC, BCC and Add attachment and click Send.
- Also, you can close your inbox. Please click on Logout button .in the top of right side of panel.