- First, you need to sign in as "Author". Make sure that your role is set to author.

If you already submitted a manuscript, you can complete it via Incomplete Submissions menu.

- "Agreement": After initializing a new submission, the first step is reading and accepting the agreement terms. To continue, please accept and click the Save & Next button.

- "Article Type": Author must select his/her manuscript's type and title. Different types can be found in this link
- "Authors": Article owner can add as many authors as s/he wants. To add another author, please proceed as follows:
- Enter the author's e-mail and click the Search button.
- If the author does not have any registered account in the journal website: enter the author's information including first name, middle name, last name, and the academic degree.
- If the author was a registered user: author's information will be filled automatically.
- Check if the author is corresponding or not.
- Click the "Add" button.

- "Keywords": Keywords are being separated using Tab or Enter button on keyboard or by clicking the keyword.
- "Classifications" : To select a classifications, click the blue icon on the right-side of classification's field.

- "Editor": The author may choose one of the Associate Editors.This selection is a suggestion and editor-in-chief will decide to choose the Associate Editor on each manuscript.
- "Reviewers": Author can suggest or oppose one or more reviewers.
- Choose relation type from Suggested/Oppose reviewer.
- Type an E-mail of the Suggested/Opposed reviewer.
- Enter the first name and last name of the reviewer. These two items are necessary and other items (such as middle name, department, academic degree, department, university and classifications type) are optional.
- Write down a reason indicating why you want to suggest or oppose this reviewer.
- "Files": Author must upload his/her manuscript files. Please proceed as follows for each file:
- Select the file type.
- Select the file.
- In some file types such as Figures, a caption is also needed for each file. Enter the required caption.
- Click the Add File. Check, edit, delete or re-upload any required file and move to the next step by clicking the "Save & Next" button.

- "Comment": The author is able to write any comment. It is optional.
- "Region": The author may select his/her region from the options available in the website.
- After clicking this button, the wizard will go to the "Build" step, when there is no problem.
- "Build": Approving this step will end the submission process. Two PDF files will be shown to the author: A blind file and a full file. Author must check both files. If there was any problem, the author must fix the problem, then go to the Rebuild section, again. Otherwise, the author can click the Finish and final submit for this manuscript.
If you need any more information about this section you can watch the demo video on the following Links: [YOUTUBE] [APARAT]