Reject Manuscripts
- Manuscripts in the "New Submissions" and "Screening" state: EIC can use the "Fast Reject" button.
- Manuscripts in the "TO-DO: Manuscripts Need Associate Editor" state: EIC can use the "Fast Reject" button.
- Manuscripts in the Review Process ("Manuscripts Need Reviewer" - "Manuscripts Waiting for Reviewer" - "Manuscripts Waiting for Associate Editor" states): EIC can use at first the "Terminate Review Process by EIC" and then, the "Make a Decision by EIC" button (by choosing the "Reject" decision).
- Manuscripts Waiting for EIC Decision ("TO-DO: Manuscripts Waiting for EIC Decision states" and "TO-DO: Manuscripts Need Additional Review" states): EIC can use the "Make a Decision by EIC" button (by choosing the "Reject" decision).
- Manuscripts in the “Manuscripts Need Minor/Major Revision" state: EIC can use the "Reject Due to Late Response" button.