Authors: Read more
In "Authors" tab, the manuscript owner is able to add all authors. To do:
- Enter the author's E-mail in the E-mail section and click the search:
If an author has NOT been registered in any journal: Enter the author's information including first name, middle name, last name, and the academic degree.
If an author has already been registered in one of journals: Author's information will be filled automatically.
- Change Authors' orders: You can re-order the authors by clicking the sign button at the left column of this table and then click the "Save Order" button.
Also you can select only one main corresponding author from selected corresponding authors.
Corresponding Authors: Are usually the senior authors who provide the intellectual inputs and designs and approve the protocols to be followed in the study and can be one or more.
Main Corresponding Author: Only one of "corresponding authors" can be main corresponding author and he/she can see actions for re-submission or payment for his/her articles.