Middle East Journal of Rehabilitation and Health

Published by: Kowsar

    Title Page


    Authors and Affiliations (and orders) in this file will be printed in the published article. 


    These items must be written in "Title Page":

    • Manuscript Title
    • Running Title
    • Author(s): 
      • full name of all authors should be mentioned.
        • Method: [First Name] [Middle Name] [Last Name]
        • Example: Marek Jan Brensht

    • Affiliation: 
      • Author's affiliation contains only department and university.
      • We don't suggest to write author's degree or position (e.g. MD, PHD, associate professor, or etc.).
        • Method: [name of department], [name of university], [city], [country]
        • Example: Molecular Biology Department, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands

    • Corresponding author: 
      • one of the authors should be selected for possible correspondence before and after publication. His/her address, telephone and fax numbers and email address should be written.
        • Method: [Name of Recipient] , [Full Postal Address] , [Tel]: +[country code] [city code] [phone number] , [fax]: +[country code] [city code] [phone number] , E-mail: [Email address]
        • Example:  Abraham Ranst​, Petersbon Street 2c, 6432 GC, Hoensbroek, The Netherlands, Tel: +31 22 1234566, Fax: +31 22 1234566, E-mail: